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Don’t Hate the Game, Hate the Player

Posted by anythingsportszine on November 17, 2011

Many people believe that wrestling is an awkward sport because of all the physical contact, but the truth is that its perfectly normal.  For example in football linebacks have to wrestler other linebackers to the floor and nobody finds that awkward, so then why is wrestling looked down on so much?  The reason for it being so, is that people just don’t understand wrestling, more people watch football, sunday night and monday night, than they do wrestling.  That leaves alot of room for people to misunderstand and judge to sport.  People see the sport and think, this sport has way to much contact and just automatically become judgmental people, and think the sport is weird, although this mostly tends to happen with younger generations.

Wrestling, in reality, is a great sport, and is a great way to get in shape, and you can learn great technique and how to defend yourself in case of an emergency.  It’s a sport that also allows you to make friends, and make stronger bonds with those friends that you already have. “Most if not all people would expect wrestlers to be aggressive people, when in reality its a sport that helps create and if not strengthen friendships.  Its all about the mutual respect that one learns to have for another, its about knowing that both of you gave it your all, and no matter who comes out victorious, they both learn to respect each other for their effort.” Mrs. Hopkins said.

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